Saturday, 29 August 2009


Wednesdy 12th August
Waterton to Bigfork

Well here it is the "Good o'l US of A", yes I know Alaska is USA as well but this is the "lower 48". We had a short 20 mile ride to the "Chief Mountain" border and a very painless crossing, a quick check of the passport and it was done. Another 40 miles saw us in the Glacier National Park and on the "Going to the Sun" road, it was anything but, donning the water proofs the road climbs the mountain pass here and is a well used road by tourists and bikers. However the weather was not good for us, we had had good weather all the way up till now, but low cloud hid the reportedly spectacular view and road works made the journey treachourous, travelling over mud and dirt in places while having to stop for the road works for up to 20 minutes. I ended up cold and wet. The weather improved after the pass and we passed large lakes in a wooded area, the route staying the the country side avoiding any big cities and towns.

Today : 138
Total : 4354

Thursday 13th Auust
Bigfork to gardiner

Today : 369.9
Total : 4723.9

Friday 14th August
Gardiner to Old Faithful (Yellowstone)

Today : 115.8
Total 4839.7

Saturday 15th August
Old Faithful (Yellowstone) to Cody
US President Visits Old Faithful

Today : 273.9
Total : 4839.7

Sunday 16th August
Cody (day off)

Today : 0
Total :

Moday 17th August
Cody to Vernal

Today : 396.8
Total : 5510.4

Tuesday 18th August
(Day off)
Visit Arches National Park

Today : 72
Total : 5583.4

Thursday 20th August
Moab to Mesa Verde
Went to the Canyon lands National park (Island in the sky) the veiws were spectular as this plateau stands above all the others affording an incredible view fo all the canyons in the area.

Today : 370
Total : 5953.4

Friday 21st August
Mesa Verde to Mexican Hat

Today : 250
Total : 6203.4

Saturday 22 August
Mexican hat to Jacobs Lake ( Grand Canyon)

Today : 290
Total : 6493.4

Sunday 23 August
Day off - Visit Grand Canyon
No tourists on this dirt road into Grand Canyon North rim, 30 miles to get to entrance then 61 miles of hard off road in, 3 hours to get in with damp sand pits and exposed rock near the end. But the hard riding was worth it as we got right to the edge of the 3000 foot cliff and a veiw few people will ever see. We still had to ride the same way back out!

Today : 182
Total : 6675.4

Monday 24 August
Jacobs Lake to Tucson
This is along hard and hot ride, the first part of the Journey (120 miles) was as a group all the bikes running in formation, as we started early (kick stands up at 6.00am) we all stopped for breakfast. After this another 200 miles was done as normal everyone breaking up into smaller groups. The final run was again as a group this was hard as the temperature soared to 42 deg's as and the scenery changed to partial desert, the large cacti appearing suddenly. We arrived in Tuscon but it still took an hour to get to the centre as the city is spralled out over a large area, finially arriving at the hotel we all just got showers food and then straight to sleep.

Today : 472
Total : 7147.4

Tuesday 25 August to 29 August
Servicing and Prep for Mexican Boarder Crossing.

Today : 40
Total : 7187.4

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