Sunday, 9 August 2009

A Pause for thought and a swim

Wednesday 29th
Deadhorse (Prudhoe Bay)

This was a day off the bikes, the town is here solely for the oil industry and looks like an oil terminal, there is nothing of a real town, only one shop/hardware store /post office and one hotel mostly catering to oil workers not tourists. I spent time buying bits and pieces and posting cards. We then went on the tour to Prudhoe bay itself, the only way to the Arctic Ocean is by the tour bus operated by the oil company, when we arrived, we all took the opportunity to swim in the Arctic Ocean, by tradition we had to skinny dip (not a pretty sight)! it was also very cold !!! but a great laugh and making the start of the journey south, some feeling this was the proper start or our journey. I also had stayed up late the previous evening to witness the midnight sun, it does not set here in the Arctic circle very strange.

Today : 0
Total : 880


  1. Hey Andy. Glad you are now well on your way. Sounds as though you are having a great time too. Really enjoying the blogs, very descriptive and interesting.
    Would like to see some of your pics if you can post 1 up.
    Your Route is being tracked on a board here in the office too, so keep giving us your towns and locations.
    Hope the BMW is going well.
    Oh by the way, My Dad sold his fireblade and bought a BMW too.
    Cheers Andy
    Paul W
