Friday, 11 December 2009

Argentina and the last border crossing

Sunday 28th November
Cerro Sombrero to Rio Gallegos

The final day in Chile with short run North, starting at 9.30 a run across the very windy flat plains to the ferry across the Magellan straights, after this we joined Ruta 3 which will take us all the way to Buenos Aries. We also parted company with Fin, the reporter who had joined us south of Santiago and was taking his hired bike back and flying back to Ireland. More miles of riding at an angle this time with the wind coming from the left over the plains and we got to to the final land based border crossing. A combined Chilean and Argentinean post made the crossing relatively quick and painless then more very windy roads with a little hail and snow arriving early at the town of Rio Gallegos.

Today : 104
Total : 21227

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