Monday 30th November
Rio Gallegos to Comodoro Rivadiva
We were up very early to ride this long day, although sunny, it was windy. I took the road out of town and missed the turn off, quickly realising this I rode back to town only to see Paul riding the other way, I waited till he turned around and we found the turn off as the sign was only visible from this direction. After spending some time going west the road Ruta 3 turned north and we then encountered the very strong side winds.
The area is mostly flat plain with occasional rolling hills and some small salty lakes with the odd flamingo wading in them, green scrub land with few trees due to the winds. Taking numerous petrol stops due to the wind causing the bikes to use more fuel, the winds got stronger and stronger, bikes in front of me were comically leant over into the wind and even though the road was straight were wearing the side of the tyres! we were all glad to get to the hotel.
Today 495
Total 21722
Tuesday 1 December
Comodoro Rivadiva to Puerto Madryn
Another day of riding into side winds and similar country, though 150 miles in the scenery changed to almost desert, very like northern Chile and Peru.
Again it was simply a matter of riding through the day and very tiring fighting the blustery winds.Towards the end of the ride the wind got worse and unusually came for the landward side instead of the the sea. At one point I passed a large bus coming the other way and it was leaning heavily on its left side due to the force of the wind. Once again we were glad of reaching the hotel and a rest day tomorrow.
Today 367
Total 22089
Wednesday 2 December
Puerto Madryn
Day Off
We booked a trip on a boat to see whales, when we arrived at the small town on the Valaez peninsula we found the port closed due to high winds. We all elected to wait at least till 2 in the afternoon to see if the weather changed for the favourable. Luckily at around 2:15 it did and we all climbed aboard the large rib boat holding about 30 people. After 20 minutes we came across a mother whale and small son. We were then treated to 25 minutes of the best show we could have hoped for.
The whales decided to play around the boat almost close enough to touch and everyone got fantastic pictures, it went on so long most stopped taking pictures and just enjoyed the moment. After we spotted two more whales diving for food and sea lions on the rocks sun-bathing. After returning to port we all reflected on what a wonderful day it had been.
Today 0
Total 22089
Thursday 3 December
Puerto Madryn to Viedma
They were everywhere walking across the designated path ways sleeping under bushes and in small fox holes, the landscape was littered with them. A lot had chicks and the few of us who had ridden here were able to get some fantastic pictures again the Argentinian coast has delivered some great wildlife to view.
Today 275
Total 22364
Friday 4th December
Viedma to Sierra de la Ventanna
Another day riding north however with the prospect of some improved scenery as we were going to spend the last night in a more remote and rugged area before the run to Buenos Aries. The flat farm land gave way to rolling hills with more greenery and the odd tree, leaving the awful side winds behind us. The hotel was set in a valley between high hills in the area know as Sierra de la Ventanna, a park area set in the more crowded area south of Buenos Aries.
Today 226
Total 22590
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