Arequipa to Arica
This day is a long riding day on straight roads in the desert, we crossed the border into Chile. Chile is very much more developed but the scenery around is still dusty though impressive desert.
Today 279
Total 15859
Wednesday 28th October
Arica to Antofagasta
Very long riding day again in deserts with some spectacular views as we went up and down the canyons and hills. Stopped at the ghost mining town of Humberstone. Great view as we moved to the coast near Iquique.
Stopped at La Portada on the way into Antofagasta, a view of a rock formation on the coast.
Today 464
Total 16323
Thursday 29th October
Antofagasta to El Salvador
We turned inland to more desert riding, visited “El Mano” the hand, a large sculpture of a hand in the desert. Another long run of desert riding in the Aticama desert, one of the driest places on earth fierce side-wind had the fuel consumption high and a sore neck for me although a very enjoyable ride.
Today 305
Total 16628
Hola Andrew, es Claudia, la profesora de espaƱol, como estas? Great photos and stories. Did you use much Spanish? Did you visit Colombia? The photo of the hand, the statue must be called "la mano" not "el mano" , is one of those exceptions to the rule, ends in "o" but it's not masculine. Take care and see you when you're back.