Wednesday 25th November
Kaiken to Ushuaia to the end of the road
This is it the final leg south to Ushuaia after lining up ready to eave as a group, Kevin (trip leader) told me to fall in behind him leading the rest of the group out. We had 60 miles of tarmac wending its way through the high pass in the snow capped mountains on this southern end of the island. It was very cold and we had been advised we may encounter snow, but luckily it stayed clear all the way to Ushuaia, we stopped once to meet up with another group of motorcyclists on their way north then we made the final ride through Ushuaia to the park and the end of the road.
There were 15 miles of damp dirt road and we then parked at the end near the sign “Fin Del Mundo” end of the world, this is the most southerly part of the Americas you can reach by road. Once the support van arrived the Champagne was brought out and we had an hour long celebration here with many photos and congratulations all round. It took a while for us to get back on the bikes taking in what we had achieved, ridden from the top of the Americas in the Arctic Circle to the most southerly part, almost 5 months and my odometer reads 21000 miles covered. Off the group only 7 (including myself) made it the whole journey without spending any time in the van, every inch travelled on our bikes. We stopped in the cafe in the Park for lunch and then made our way back to Ushuaia to the hotel.
Today : 91
Total : 20863
Odometer : Anchorage : 6206
Odometer : Ushuaia : 27592
Odometer Miles : Total since leaving England : 21389
Well done mate, knew you could do it! Enjoyed reading about the trip safe journey onwards , see you next year. keith